Monday, December 12, 2011

Middle Eastern, Scream and Downtown

Sorry it's been a few days but we have been super busy here. I finally finished my Christmas cards to be sent all around the world; lots to England, a couple to the US, one to Australia, one to Portugal... Good to get them done and think about those friends and family...

Did you get yours yet?

Friday kicked off the busy weekend as we had a PD day (professional development for teachers). Much to the girls' disgust I took them to the doctors to get their flu jab, then we had friends over to play. We made some lovely gingerbread house scenes.

Do you like them?

A large part of the day was spent cooking for friends who came in the evening. We had a middle eastern inspired meal; hummus and salad, Morrocan chicken and couscous and a honey yogurt cake with caramelised mandarins. I think it went down well, and I loved how the table looked with the festive settings.

Sunday morning began with a scream! Meg had let Joe in (who we hadn't seen in a few days) and followed him upstairs after a few minutes only to find him standing in a huge pool of water staring down at a lifeless little fish... He'd knocked over Tess' fish bowl and the poor fish was about to be cat food. However, SuperMum came to the rescue, scooped up the poor fish, ran to get bottled water and, you'll be glad to hear, the fish is looking as though he'll pull through!

The rest of Sunday was a whole lot quieter. Olly always likes to head downtown at Christmas time to see the huge Christmas tree at Nathan Phillips Square and we took a peak in the windows of The Bay. Here's Meg looking in on Santa's elves.

Very busy week ahead. I'm teaching Kindergarten all week, the girls have their holiday concerts at school, book club, and two Christmas parties... Wish me luck!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cards, Wreath and Frog

This year I felt like I'd run out of time to make Christmas cards... Previous years I've had them made by the end of November, ready to start writing and send out the first weekend in December. Christmas seems to have crept up quickly this year, don't you think? Anyway, I was playing around with some supplies and came up with very, very simple design. So, there are some Christmas cards on their way to you.
A sneak peak.
Continuing the Christmas theme.

Today at MomVet was our annual wreath decorating challenge. Every year we buy wreaths and one of the members goes crazy in the craft store buying baubles and ribbons and other glittery things and we all stick them together to create something beautiful to hang on the front door. Mine was very simple this year as you can see.

My wreath hanging on our screen door.

And finally, it is with much sadness that I must announce tonight that one of Meg's frogs, Bubbles, I believe, is no longer with us. Over the past few weeks he has been getting skinnier and skinnier (while the other one has been getting suspiciously fatter and fatter...) And tonight... well, tonight he is no more... She is being very brave but is worried the other one will be too lonely...
Goodbye, little friend!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sprinkles, Roast and Hat

Can you guess what we were up to today?

Here's a clue:

What requires large amounts of sprinkles in various shapes and colours, a ridiculous amount of icing in every colour imaginable and vast number of cookies....?

Yep! The Annual Gingerbread Decorating at Nancy's. And here are some of our results:

Everyone was in their usual fine form (mums and children included), Tess' blood sugar level was scarily high and we all went home happy....

And Tess and Meg and I were treated to a delicious meal cooked by Olly. Roast pork, roast potatoes, broccoli, green beans, sauted mushrooms and onion and, of course, gravy. Not a thing left on anyone's plate... He should definitely do it more often....!

And one more very quick and silly thing to leave you with... Here's Meg and a hat.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Andy, Andy, Andy

[There should be a picture of the Andy Williams Christmas album here.... If you are getting something else, big apologies and please ignore.....]
Forgot to mention that this has made my day. The music of our childhood Christmases... Very, very evocative and very, very dated... Marvellous!

So, so thrilled to have found this on iTunes this morning. I think I listened to it four straight times before the girls finally demanded I press pause....

Costco, Decorations and Elf

Friday's festive fun was a trip to Costco with Christene. Managed to spend alot of money in a short space of time... But definitely made good headway with the Christmas shopping. It was busy, and bustling and actually quite fun. The big problem is where to stash everything away from prying eyes.

Today has been a very Christmassy day. We busted out the boxes of decorations, put up two trees, hung lights outside, went Christmas shopping, made gingerbread...

We are all exhausted and all we can mange this evening is the final festive fun of the day which is to watch our favourite Christmas movie, Elf.

If you haven't seen it, it's worth a look; it's very silly, but we love it!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Advent, Nativity and Santa

So it's been a really long time since I've posted but the beginning of December seemed like a good time to share a few photos and thoughts...

We're continuing the tradition of the advent calendars, but with alot less chocolate this year. The girls were thrilled to discover the calendars hung on the fire place this morning; their number one was a little Christmas doodle book. (Though I think they're more interested in tomorrow; chocolate Santa!)

As it is the 1st December today we allowed oursleves to delve into the Christmas boxes. I wanted the music (John Lennon's 'So This Is Christmas' hit the spot for me), Meg wanted the books and Tess was all about the PlayMobil Nativity set. I really can't believe it's only been a year since we saw all these things. Where, oh where, has this year gone?

Christmas preparations are well and truly started here and we have had about 2 weeks of writing stories, lists and making cards. Tonight I found this on the computer after Meg had been working on it....

I really think this is a dilemma for Meg; Is Santa real? Not a dilemma for me... I KNOW he's real!