Imagine sushi rice made into a small, flat circle then fried until crisp on both sides, topped with spicy salmon and other yummy sushi treats... mmmm, my mouth is watering at the thought!!
Three words to describe our day... Plus a few more to fill you in on the details.
Imagine sushi rice made into a small, flat circle then fried until crisp on both sides, topped with spicy salmon and other yummy sushi treats... mmmm, my mouth is watering at the thought!!
It was actually a very busy week; Olly was away but we also had all sorts of other unusual things going on. Perhaps this week will be slower.
Today has NOT proved to be slower. The usual Monday stuff of going to the gym and a trip to the grocery store was joined by an emergency babysitting situation.. Well, my friend's sitter was sick so I helped juggle her kids' schedules as well as my own. So while this was going on I was having to deal with a banking situation which came up for us. Aynway, the point is it makes me really think twice about going back to work. I know it can be done, but coupled with Tess telling how much she loves me going into her class every week, it just makes me think...
Anyway tomorrow will also not be slower. I'm facilitating at MumVet tomorrow with my friend Susan who is a DIY wiz. Me? I'm to be the stooge. The one they get to say, "If Vickie can do it, anyone can do it...' So we're trying out some power tools, and small DIY projects. Should be fun!
This one isn't quite finished. It was taken at Tess' birthday party; the girls were choosing who would be the seeker in hide and seek and used the rhyme, "Ip dip chocolate chip, you are not it..." I just loved how all their feet were 'in'.
And these are some favourite photos of Tess taken at the ski hill after lessons this winter. The skiing fashions definitely suit her!
Anyway, the next project will be the 'Week In The Life' stuff - can't wait!
As Olly is still away we were supposed to have another easy day... That is just a ridiculous thought! The lazy day included lots of visits with and visits from friends, playing out and generally having a bad-tempered, argumentative time... NOT an easy day!
Finish each day and be done with it. You
have done what you could. Some
blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and
serenely and with too high a spirit to
be encumbered with your old
Even getting stuck in traffic on the way back from swimming yesterday took on a different feeling and I just appreciate being here in this city!
As usual I went into Tess' classroom this morning to help out. However, it wasn't a usual morning as the school is celebrating Earth Week this week by carrying out different activities every day. Today we went out rubbish collecting.
The class was very thorough; wearing an interesting collection of gardening, rubber, plastic gloves they rummaged for the tiniest pieces of rubbish (as, really, there is not to much in our neighbourhood) in the gutters and sidewalks of their designated block. They collected a surprisingly large amount and were excited to add it to the whole school's bins.
As my contribution to Earth Week I've been using my bike alot this week. And much to my surprise I've been loving it.... Better get a helmet....!
The Girls of Deloraine
There are another 103 photos from today - should take some time to put this project together.
I finally managed to find time to catch up with Charley today. It is great to catch up but timing is everything. Everyones' busy schedules make it very difficult to find decent chunks of time to make phone calls home, but I'm always so glad when we connect. This blog is meant to fill in the gaps, to help with the little day-to-day details, but nothing takes the place of talking to the people we care about.
As for the phun... [I just liked the idea of there being three 'ph' words for today and as I didn't meet any phantoms being chased by pheasants at the pharmacy today I had to make a word up!]
Night! Night!
And so ends another fun-packed weekend! Goodnight!