Well, yesterday passed in a bit of a daze as I had my first ever migraine which was really not very nice.. Woke up feeling much more positive and ready to face the day.
We had the inspection for the house today. All went very well. The inspector was using words like 'excellent', 'tip-top', 'expensive' - it seems the current owners have spent alot of time and energy (and money) in making the house as beautiful as possible - so it may be small but it is in excellent condition with the renovations to the kitchen and the bathrooms being very fine.
The girls are super-excited as there is a large back garden - grass for running through sprinklers in the summer, lots of beautiful trees which makes it hard to believe we're in the middle of the city, and best of all (in the girls' opinions) is the slide which runs off the deck and the other which is attached to the tree at the bottom of the garden.
It was so peaceful in the garden today. We're really looking forward to our summer! So we signed the waiver and the house is ours at the end of June. Yeh!
The rest of the day was spent getting things together for Olly's trip to Brazil. Cameras, dry cleaning, underwear - Ha! Anyway he's off tomorrow for 11 days and the girls and I have some things lined up while he's away. Luckily the Icelandic volcano isn't effecting southbound air travel, so he'll be up and away....
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