Monday, January 10, 2011

Subway, Proud and Good

Despite not being too thrilled to be working three days a week at the moment (as I would much rather be at home pottering), I am loving going to work on the subway. It always makes me feel part of the city when I ride the TTC, even though almost everyone around me is slightly miserable or asleep, it always feels very real. I'm appreciating the walk to the station, the special little tokens and even the little bit of annoyance when the driver announces a 'slight delay' at Davisville... I wonder how long this will last!

Just after I waved the girls off into school this morning I was approached by another mum on the yard. She had helped in Tess' class last week for Scientists in School. I was very, very proud to hear that Tess had found this mum on the yard after school and thanked her for spending time in the classroom. Isn't that nice?

Sometimes it's lovely to be surprised by her behaviour in a good way.

Talking of good. Our curent book club pick is a good one.

Really looking forward to discussing this one at book club tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tess you have made me a very proud Grandma telling people you appreciate them is the best reward in the world.
    To Meg and Tess "Be loving,be loving all the day long speake with your heart not with your tongue" Love Grandma xx
