Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Book Club, Boxes and Walk-Through

Despite a dreadfully rainy and cold evening last night, there was a fantastic turn out for my book club. It was the first time I'd hosted and I wasn't sure how many ladies would come - we usually range between 5 and 8 people, so I put a couple of extra chairs in the living room... However, that just wasn't enough as 12 ladies turned up to discuss ' Through Black Spruce' by Joseph Boyden.

This was a pretty good book. About a native family in the north of Ontario and the stories of their lives. On the whole we liked it and I would recommend it if only for the interesting parts about Will's life living alone in the wilderness. Find it at Amazon if you're interested.
We have booked our moving date and the boxes are on their way. I have spent a large proportion of today standing staring into corners thinking, "Maybe I should start there..." I've been picking up boxes, sifting through them and then returning the boxes to their original places... Do you think 7 weeks is going to be enough time?
Tess finally got to see the new house today. Meg saw it when we did the inspection but Tess was at school that day. So I arranged for a walk-through of the house so she can see her new bedroom and new back yard, She was very excited and I was so glad to go through again... in my head the house has grown smaller and smaller over the last few weeks - it was good to see all the rooms again and begin to place the furniture. It is bigger than I remember....!

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